Auction sales, sales on execution, and sales "otherwise by authority of law" are excluded because of the uniqueness of the transactions involved. 经由拍卖的销售,根据执行令状和其它法律令状的销售被排除,是因为所涉及交易的独特性。
Safeguar d the mutual assistance among people by the authority of law. 并以法律的权威性保障了人与人之间相互帮助的稳定性和持续性。
The New Plant Variety right is one kind of exclusive ownership granted to new plant variety owner by the New Plant Variety Protection, Examination and Approval Authority according to the stipulation of law and regulations. 植物新品种权是由植物新品种保护审批机关依照法律、法规的规定,赋予植物新品种权人在一定期间内对其植物新品种所享有的一种具有独占性质的所有权。
The supremacy of law is the fundamental characteristics of the society ruled by law. The establishment of the authority of law is the critical presupposition to carry on the law-ruled construction. 法治社会的根本特征是法律权威的至上性,树立法律权威是进行法治建设的决定性前提。
Self-administration, the administrative system at the village level established by the state legislation, emphasizes the right to autonomy of villagers granted by the authority of law. 村民自治是国家法律确定的村一级治理制度,其中心就是以法律的权威赋予广大村民自治权。
The meaning of administration by law includes authority and responsibility designed by law, law retaining, the prevalence of law and the integrity of the authority and responsibility. 依法行政的内涵包括职权法定、法律保留、法律优先、依据法律和权责统一。
We can realize the modern authority of the educational supervision by completely constructing the authority of the law, the administration, and the academia. 通过对教育督导法律权威、行政权威和学术权威的全面构建,来实现现代教育督导权威。
Only by improving the local lawmaking quality can the local lawmaking value be upgraded, its benefit be increased, and the authority of law be established, therefore making way for the legislation of the central government. 只有提高地方立法质量,才能提升地方立法价值,提高地方立法效益,树立法律权威,为中央立法先行。
The dispute resolution procedure by administrative authority is civil proceeding, not specific administrative act in the sense of administrative law. 行政机关处理争议程序的本身是一种民事裁判程序,而非行政法意义上的具体行政行为。
A patent is granted by the public authority must limit the monopoly of private law rights, and its intangible nature, regional, uncertainty, timing, and other professional features such as different kind of non-monetary. 专利权是一项由公权力赋予的一定期限的垄断性的私法权利,其无形性、地域性、不确定性、时间性、专业性等特征与其他的非货币实物截然不同。
In the background that the lawsuit is dominated by the judicial authority, to recognize the purpose of illegal possession of the three sins, we should investigate it comprehensively by the law, with a strict use of criminal presumption. 在当下以司法机关主导的诉讼背景下,对于有法定非法占有目的的三罪的认定,应从法律规定入手,严格运用刑事推定。
I am deeply impressed by the supreme authority and the accurate value orientation of the law. 法律所拥有的至高无上的权威和精准的价值导向更是令笔者深深的折服。
The features of legal terminology is determined by the special application areas 、 specific communicative target and communicative function of the legal language, it embodies mandatory 、 authority and seriousness of the law. 法律术语的特征是由法律语言的特殊应用领域和特定的交际对象及交际功能所决定的,体现了法律的强制性、权威性和严肃性的基本特点。
But due to historical reasons, Chinese Criminal Procedure deeply influenced by the authority principle, System of Criminal exist some limitations 'not only in the criminal law, but also criminal justice practice. 但由于历史原因,长期以来我国刑事诉讼模式受职权主义的影响较深,无论在刑事法立法过程中还刑事司法实践中刑事质证制度都存在一定的局限性。
In the legal practice, there are lots of cases about justifiable defense in dispute, which are not only caused by different judgment on the same case, but go against the maintaining of authority of law, and then impeding the rule of law. 司法实践中有大量的正当防卫案件都存在争议,这样不但造成司法实践中的同案不同判的现象,而且不利于维护法律的权威,还阻碍了法治进程。